Naviate Blog - Accelerate your BIM Projects

The value of user feedback in shaping Naviate’s future

Written by Bettool Jabur | Oct 23, 2024 12:58:48 PM

User feedback isn’t just something we appreciate at Naviate: it’s the foundation of how we build and improve our products. Our users’ insights play a key role in shaping all the tools we build, ensuring all our solutions meet industry standards but also make workflows smoother and more efficient.
Our recent Naviate User Days event highlighted this partnership, where attendees shared how their feedback has directly influenced — and continues to influence — the development of Naviate’s solutions.

The ideation portal: A direct line to change

One of the main ways we stay connected with users is through the Naviate Ideation Portal. This platform gives users a place to submit ideas, vote on new features, and have conversations about how to make the software even better. It’s become an essential part of the development process, making sure users feel involved in how Naviate evolves.

As one attendee from Norway mentioned, the portal has made it much easier to share ideas and see the results:

"The ideation portal is very important to us. It’s a great platform for everyone to add new ideas, discuss them, and improve the already brilliant functions."

Their company’s suggestion to enhance the Create Coverings feature is a great example of this in action. After submitting the idea, it was developed and implemented, showing just how valuable user contributions can be:

"The grade coverings feature for floors expanded to include walls and ceilings thanks to feedback from my company. After some time, we got the new function."

This kind of involvement turns our users into true partners in the development process. Their hands-on experience gives us insights we couldn’t get any other way, helping us understand what’s working and what needs a tweak. It’s this partnership that not only shapes the tools they rely on but also builds a stronger, more connected community around them.

Real-time collaboration at Naviate User Days

Events like the recent Naviate User Days in Oslo and Stockholm give users a chance to provide feedback face-to-face, join workshops, and connect with product teams in real-time. For many, these events aren’t just about learning what’s new: they’re about being part of what’s next.
One participant shared how much they appreciated being part of the development process:

"It’s been really inspiring. I’ve seen some amazing new features and participated in masterclasses. The feedback process is crucial for us."

Events like these also help us test new features and get immediate feedback, which is essential for our iterative approach to development. As another attendee noted:

"As long as Naviate keeps releasing updates and then improving them based on feedback, it creates a great dialogue between users and the development team."

This open, back-and-forth communication is vital because it allows us to stay closely aligned with what our users actually need. Building features is one thing, but those features need to work in real-life scenarios. By staying in constant dialogue with users, we can spot potential issues early, fine-tune functionality, and adapt quickly to changes in the industry. This ensures that the tools we create aren’t just user-friendly on paper, but actually practical and valuable in their day-to-day workflows.

Addressing industry-specific needs

User feedback helps us stay up-to-date with evolving industry standards and regulations, too. Several attendees at Naviate User Days pointed out how their input ensures our tools meet region-specific requirements, such as new carbon footprint regulations. One attendee mentioned how crucial Naviate’s development on green tools has been for their projects:

"There’s a new regulation in Norway that requires carbon analysis and footprint measurements. Naviate’s work on green tools is critical for the industry."

Feedback like this helps us prioritize updates and features that make the biggest difference, ensuring Naviate solutions continue to be valuable tools for users across different regions and sectors.

A shared journey of innovation

The journey of developing better tools is something we share with our users. By making feedback central to our process, we ensure Naviate is always evolving to address the real challenges users face.
The more people who use the products, the more feedback we get, which helps us understand what to do to improve their everyday work. This constant feedback loop allows us to fine-tune our products and create solutions that truly enhance our users’ experiences.
As we look to the future, we’re excited to continue this journey with our users, knowing their insights will lead to even greater innovations ahead.
Are you a Naviate user? Is there a feature you’d like to see? Please give us your feedback in the Naviate Ideation Portal.