We've launched a new Family Browser that's located in the cloud. Now, why did we do this? There's several reasons for why this change came in Naviate 2021 version, here's the main ones.
Cloud content means smaller installation packages that's easier to download and install for you as a user. Further, content in the cloud means that we can add or change individual families easily and quickly without waiting for next release. And finally, this means we can offer a more flexible solution, offering you access to content cross-country without the need for a re-installation of Naviate.
The first version was released in July 2020, supporting these three main goals.
We have a lot more ideas for Cloud Browser to evolve as a solution for you as a user.
Our existing Family Browser is still there, used to place Loaded Families in an efficient way (drag and drop).
Now, let's dive into the Cloud Browser and what it looks like in this first version.
You can find it in the menu next to the well known Family Browser.
The main features of the Cloud Browser
You can choose a category to filter load of families. There five to choose from; model, annotation, tags, details and profiles. You can also filter and search the loaded families by the data panels parameter selection. You can select up to five parameters to filter your search on. You can choose more than one main category and a parameter to filter search on if you select categories/parameters one by one within one second. The Family Group parameter can be selected at more than one data panel, all other parameters can be selected just once.
Insert the chosen family into a project using drag and drop option. This means a family with more types will load all types in the project, and family with text file will open load select dialog for you to select and insert type in the project. Load a family in a project using the load family button, meaning all family types will be loaded in the project.
You can filter and search the family using text, type in your target family and search. A family with text file doesn’t have types count at family card, it is defined as the external types. You can clear the search text using the clear button, this option will remove all parameters selection under data panels except the category, family group and family host.
Insert the chosen family into a project using drag and drop option. This means a family with more types will load all types in the project, and family with text file will open load select dialog for you to select and insert type in the project. Load a family in a project using the load family button, meaning all family types will be loaded in the project.
You can select all, or deselect all categories using the right click option.
The show info about family and type(s) button presents an overview of the selected family with all available information. Change the size of the preview to your preferred with the family size card button.