Naviate Blog - Accelerate your BIM Projects

3 Naviate features that you are going to love

Written by Jan Tore Bugge | Jan 28, 2020 9:31:24 AM

We recently programmed 3 new features into our Naviate products. They are all focused on saving time and helping you as a user to be more effective in you day-to-day work.

Unhide Elements

Those of you that know Revit well probably know that you have several different ways to hide elements in view. So it can be a real pain to make sure that everything that was hidden, now is displayed when you use the Revit function “Reveal”. That was the “user story” behind creating the Unhide Elements tool.

This tool lets you to unhide hidden instances (by elements) in active view.

Main features of the tool are:

  • The function can be used only in active view.
  • The function works with the Reveal Hidden Elements function turned on, so all hidden instances (by elements) will be unhidden.
  • The function works with the temporary hidden elements when hide is applied in a view.

Note: tool doesn’t support hidden instances by category and/or filter.

Mirror Status

“Is this family mirrored or not?"

When making a model it is very easy and fast to mirror a family (for example a window). However, when documenting those windows there is no way of documenting that a windows is actually mirrored. This means that you have to create another window that is exactly the same only mirrored, which could be a bit time consuming if there are a lot of difficult windows (or any other family for that matter) in your project.

The new tool Mirror Status helps you to identify which elements have been mirrored in the project. The tool writes different values to selected parameter for selected categories depending on if the element is mirrored or not.

You can also configure Project Update to run this parameter updater on a certain occasion.

Quick Print

This feature has been requested from a lot of users last year.

“It would be great to somehow be able to quickly print selected sheets from the project browser, so that you won't have to create a Sheet Set/Sheet List

Print pre-selected Sheets quick. A new tool to for faster printing of a selection of Sheets

Start using these tools today!

If you are a Naviate user, the tools are available for you now through the latest update (2020.1.4). For those of you that don't have Naviate, you can try them out by downloading a free trial:

You can also learn more in this webinar: